Several requests have been made for rather specific directions about the practice of prayer and meditation. This short explanation is meant as a place to begin.

Prayer and Blessing
a method



Sit still, just knowing each other's company.

Speak your concerns for others (intercession) and for yourself (petition). Even if you don't vocalize, move your lips; the act of speaking helps keep your thoughts from wandering.

Let the Presence take your concerns; you can imagine handing them over, if you wish.

Promise to be open to the Presence's direction in whatever form that comes.

Thank the Presence for at least 10 things today (for example, for your spouse and children, for your friends, for sunshine or clouds, for your in-basket being momentarily empty, for coffee - even office coffee! - and so on).

Tell the Presence where you think you went wrong.

Let the Presence take your wrongdoings; you can imagine handing them over, if you wish.

Promise to be open to the Presence's direction; again, in whatever form that comes.



Some thoughts about prayers and blessings:

all above from Sara Shendelmann and Avram Davis,