If the war goes on


(one verse introduction)

If the war goes on and the children die of hunger,
and the old men weap, for the young men are no more,
and the women learn how to dance without a partner,
who will keep the score?

If the war goes on and the truth is taken hostage,
and new terrors lead to the need to euphemize;
when the calls for peace are declared unpatriotic,
who'll expose the lies?

If the war goes on and the daily bread is terror,
and the voiceless poor take the road as refugees;
when a nation's pride destines millions to be homeless,
who will heed their pleas?

If the war goes on and the rich increase their fortunes,
and the arms sales soar as new weapons are displayed;
when a fertile field turns to no-man's land tomorrow,
who'll approve such trade?

If the war goes on, will we close the doors to heaven?
If the war goes on, will we breach the gates of hell?
If the war goes on, will we ever be forgiven?
If the war goes on...

Music: Music: John L. Bell, 1997
Words: John L. Bell and Grahm Maule, 1997, revised November 2002